I took my friends Peter (38), Jimmy (8) and Tommy (4?) to the Sing-Along Mary Poppins screening at the Music Box Theatre last weekend. I was babysitting anyway, and it was the last night of the run for MP and I REALLY wanted to go, so I took the boys. Peter and I had gone a few years ago to the Sing-Along Sound of Music, in costume (and we even won a prize - some stuffed goat - for our 16-going-on-17 joint costume) so I knew he had to come along for this one, too. And it was great that he was there, because the boys were hilarious and somewhat a handful and I was glad to have someone else with me to crack up at the whole thing.
So the whole "sing-along" thing is that the organizers give out these bags with stuff in them and clue you in ahead of time to the things you can participate in during the film, a la Rocky Horror. Then they subtitle all the songs in the film and you sing along. It's really, really dorky and super fun.
In our bags, we each got:
1) a little paper drink umbrella that you hold up every time Mary Poppins flies with her umbrella, OR, you pop the umbrella up like it's broken and fly it up when the other nannies are whisked away by the wind
2) two gold chocolate coins that you can eat when the old bank guy steals the tuppence from Michael Banks, or when he gets it back and causes a run on the bank
3) a pixie stick of flavored sugar that you can eat whenever anyone talks or sings about a spoonful of sugar
4) a party popper that you pop at one of the 4 times the cannon goes off on the top of the Banks' ship-house
5) a card that says either supercalifragilistic or expialidocious on one side and umdiddaliddaliddaliddaumdiddali on the other
6) a smal kazoo you can play with the animated penguin band during the jolly holiday part or during any band-playing part
...I think that's all.
The photo above is from the start of the show, when, after the guy explained our little bags and other things to shout out at the screen ("BORING!" whenever Mr. Banks came on, "Spit-Spot" whenever Mary says it. etc.), he asked for someone to come up to the stage to tell a clean joke that would get us all laughing for the scene with Uncle Alfred. I remembered that Jimmy had been going NONSTOP a couple of nights before with a knock-knock joke so I told him to go up and tell it and he did! And he told it perfectly! So the pic is from after he told the joke and that's him, in the dark, on the left, heading over to claim his prize candy. Here is Jimmy's joke: Knock knock/Whos there?/Interrupting cow/Interrup--/MOO! (it's totally funny).
The whole night was a blast. Jimmy was into yelling "BORING BANKER!" instead of just "boring!" when Mr. Banks came on, and then Tommy would yell "you stink Get out of here!" way afterward. I was totally embarrassed but also cracking up. Plus, the boys ate popcorn, pixie-stick sugar, chocolate coins (theirs and mine and Peter's), Goobers, root beer, and prize candy that Jimmy grabbed from the joke thing, and they were so tired from the long-ass movie that they both fell asleep in the car on the ride home and I carried them both in and put them to bed in their clothes without brushing their teeth at all. I am the worst babysitter.
1 comment:
Oh shut-up. You are one of my girl's favorite baby sitters. Remember that time when the girls were really young and you were dancing around with them in my living room? The guys across the alley were having a party and they were all watching you through the window but they couldn't see the girls so they probably just thought you were crazy. Then you made a big point to lift the girls up so they could see them. Boy, that still cracks me up.
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