On Sunday night, without a date in sight, I rode over to the Music Box for the evening showing of Lady Chatterley, the new French adaptation of the D.H. Lawrence story.
I recommend it. It was long, though—nearly 3 hours, and it was odd in some ways, too. But the chemistry/sexuality was smoldering, the actress playing the lead was riveting (and so were her boobs), and the sex itself was funny and perfectly done - as awkward and fumbling at first as her awakening was. It was also romantic and sappy, and at some points oddly paced, but the acting from the two main characters and the simplicity of the the story (and some quirky choices in the storytelling) made it worth watching.
The weirdest thing was seeing a French/Belgian film, set in England, and a script that mentions characters being English, but all spoken in French.
Plus, just think! Tomorrow, after work, I'm going to see Angelina Jolie in A Mighty Heart with the girls' movie night group (well, 4 of us) who have been trying to do this for two weeks. I'm very excited to compare and contrast the acting...
I went to a wonderful dinner party tonight at M&K's. It was really good to hang with work people away from work, and see them with their other people (kids, boyfriends, spouses etc.) Ate more than I can really justify, but I'm heading for the pool in about 6 hours.
Also, I made an actual salon haircut appointment for Thursday - only my second this year. Yes, I'm a fancy lady...
I might have to watch a movie like that in the privacy of my own home.
nd yes, because it's a french film, you do actually get to see a naked man in it.
But it was really funny, too. Not all steamy at all.
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