...which means less blogging, and more jogging (I've stopped calling it running), going out on weeknights, dog beaches, and weekend events. It really is true that we in Chicago fit the entire year's worth of outdoor events into 4 months. I looked at my calendar and I don't have a free day off until the end of July.
Plus it's been crazy busy at work, with the first week of classes, the festival, and another 2 projects I'm working on.
And: meeting new people through the magic of the internets. It's going pretty well, though at times can be overwhelming. The tradeoff for any adventure is that I have no free time. If only I didn't have to work 8 hours a day!!
Kids art classes are fabulous, and I found out all but one of my classes aren't running again this session. Most of the kids are repeating, too, which is a good compliment, but means I have to come up with more and more interesting projects... translation: more unpaid research and planning time. See, we're only paid for the acutal45-minute class time. Not the one hour setup and prep time before classes, or the 15 minutes between each class, or the 45 minutes after class for cleaning the art room. So, the better the teacher you are, the less you get paid. Interesting concept, and I am sure it goes for public school teachers as well, though they at least have pensions (and the world's pity).
William and his parents (my stepbrother and sister-in-law) came in from Bangkok for their annual summer visit last Tuesday, and due to slight family emergency, I got to pick them up at O'Hare! Unlike many people, I love going to the airport. I want to make a kids' book about it.
My stepbrother wanted to keep them all awake until 10pm to avoid jetlag, so we went to the the zoo and for a walk around. I love this child. Because of work I had to miss his big 3rd birthday party with the rest of the family at my parents' place this weekend, and that is a bummer. But I had a great weekend anyway.
Went late to party/BBQ Thursday (and stayed too late), where I made delicious margaritas and Sheila made incredible lime velvet cupcakes with margarita frosting, and was exhausted on Friday when my Dad came to town and stayed overnight. We went running Sat. and I took him out for breakfast and Sheila came too, which as great. We then walked to the new Belmont Art and Music fest, which was nice but a bit empty, and then I took him to the airport. Stayed in Saturday night after doing a couple favors for friends.
Yesterday was the last day of the Sunday art classes for the session, and we did the cupcake project, of course. Then worked a few hours, and biked to the Hideout's A Day in the Country fest, where I finally met in real life and hung out with an amazing guy (not interested in dating, we emailed today, but still super cool), and also saw a lot of friends. It was fantastic. I was tired. By the time I biked home, I was literally OUT. OF. STEAM., so Lois got no walk, just a backyard romp. I started cooking myself some dinner and fell asleep, so it became today's lunch.
The Hideout by night, after the BBQ truck pulled away, with the strains of Freakwater squeaking through the speakers...

Jogging* and laundromat, and maybe some cleaning this evening - *it's lovely weather!!
Drag about the guy. It's still nice that there are guys out there that we might actually want to date.
i know!! but it's good - I like him so much as a friend too.
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