Yeah, my (work - and only) laptop konked out on Tuesday of last week so this is being typed on a loaner from work that I finally just sorta figured out. All my Firefox bookmarks are gone, and my passwords aren't automatically in this system, so it's not easy getting to my "regular" online haunts. I just can't memorize that much. (Me and Paul McCartney, apparently.)
So this will be a long-ass, catch-up, photo post.
Tuesday: Swim. Computer dies. Can't do any work. Last day with Hedley. Pick up Lisa at O'Hare. Lois depressed when we get home. Apartment full of dog hair. Me? Exhausted.
Wednesday: Work a half-day. Plan to buy a vaccuum cleaner but get too confused at the stores and can't look up consumer report without a computer, so I just do nothing and get a bikini wax at the Aveda training place with a gift certificate that's about to expire. It hurts. Go to samba dance class and love it so much even though I am still SO bad at it. The next day, I notice that the student waxer left on all the hair that actually shows when I wear my swim suit, so I have to shave it anyway. Great.

Thursday: Swim, work, teach. Try to catch up, but don't - still so far behind at work. Skip Pilates class. Go see free Sneak Preview of "Knocked Up" - TOTALLY funny - with Lisa. Then, go to Zincs and The Sea and Cake late show at Empty Bottle. Great performances by both groups. I find parking out front. Cute guys (that's Archer and Mark, above - Coctails, anyone?) everywhere, and one fella even tells me I look great. Tamale guy makes a late appearance, and I go home with a queso 6-pack, very happy. Awesome night.
Friday: Work. Swim. Walk over to May Fest (a German drinking fest in my neighborhood) with Sandra and Tina, buy tickets for brats and beer, and run into Krissy, Ryan and Aidan. (So cute in hat.) Have to leave immediately to go fetch Dad from train from airport. Go back to Mayfest with Dad and Lois for brats and beers, and get totally drenched in the flash flood. See DG a couple of times and want to throw saurkraut at him or kick him in nuts. Sing German polka songs and John Denver songs really loudly with accordion band and drink with my Dad. Drive Dad to brother's house and go home.
Saturday: Wake up way too early, walk dog, dress nicely before getting into car to driving through hellish South Chicago traffic down to Kankakee, IL for great uncle Jimmy's memorial service. Meet father's cousins and their families for first time. Get great grandmother's beautiful quilt and shell dish. Drive Dad back to O'Hare using back roads - which wound around the river and through gorgeous green fields - for 8pm flight. Meet Lisa and Hedley at park, later go to see the Eternals at Schubas and dance a lot. Leave early.

Sunday: Take Lois for long walk and stop for fancy croissant and iced tea at neighborhood bakery because it's so early and such a lovely day. Walk past my laundromat and see DG AGAIN! - talking on cell phone outside, must be doing laundry there still, even though it's a mile from his apartment...erg. Want to kick him in nuts for being on my turf, but just run with Lois across the street before she recognizes him. Teach classes. Swim. Go back to May Fest with Lois for sausage and beer before it gets crowded (I was craving it again - they make them so good! - plus it's that time o' the month) and to say hi to Yvonne, who is bartending. Pick up the Thuringer Meal to go (sausage in bun, german potato salad, pickle, and saurkraut) and get trapped in another torrential rainstorm on walk back home.

Stand in doorway eating German meal with Lois's help until rain clears. Who knew dogs LOVE saurkraut? See double rainbow when sun pops out on way home. Go to Sheila's to hang with Lisa and Hedley before they go back to Madison. Test Sheila's $400 vacuum cleaner and look at her dresses. Fill up gas tank with nearly $40 of gas (!?!) and get some groceries. Go home and finally blog, watch 10 minutes of a Netflix British murder drama before falling asleep with bra on.
I want your life.
And did you want my spelling errors too?
Really? My life? Even when the guy you can't get over acts like you are nonexistent and yet still shows up everywhere, even at your f-ing laundromat?
...oh, and my delicious bikini stubble?
Anyway, I want your life, so there.
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