It's been a lovely, relaxing (read: lazy) weekend. Sheila, her friend/coworker David, and I went to a 60th birthday party for Cynthia Plaster Caster at the home of Derek Erdman (whom you might remember from an earlier post) and had a great time.
I didn't think I'd last more than an hour but we stayed til after 2 and I wasn't in bed sleeping til after 3 - I had to walk the pooches. I drank red wine. Not enough to get drunk—I *was* the designated driver after all—but I did talk to a cute guy and got a cigarette from him for David. That's the extent of my so-called "flirting abilities."
The sign Derek painted for Cynthia, and Julia talking in front. Note the Nancy Reagan with bad hair painting in the top corner. Hilarious.
Being at Derek's place again made me a) want to make more art and b) want to own more art, so I got out my checkbook and bought paintings from him for a ridiculously cheap amount. I didn't take them with me, but will have to go back and get them. I like his style a lot and like him, so it's a feel-good-all-over way to spend my last $50 until pay day. It just means I won't pay as much to my credit card. Oh well.
Lois has been having a great time with Hedley here - it's sad that he's only got one more day with us!
Yesterday I hung out with my mom and the pooches, and we ate and talked and I did a load of laundry, and today I've done some cleaning and restoring the kitchen to its normal state - the surprise floor replacement thing really did me in, and my roommate hasn't helped at all unless you count putting all the kitchen stuff onto the living room floor and leaving it there all week...
I'm heading over for a swim, basically to avoid more cleaning. Thank goodness the pool is open today! Happy Memorial Day!
How fun. I haven't been to a really fun party with cute boys for a long, long time.
It was fun, but as is always the case, the cute boys were not the best part of the party. It was the sugar cookies.
Hee, hee - sugar cookies.
Thanks for your encouraging comment on my blog yesterday. You are so sage...but not in that annoying hippie way.
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