OK: I teach 5 classes a week, I currently take 5 classes a week, and I manage 150 classes a week. I just signed up Lois, my dog, and I to take yet another class starting next week (Pet Dog Training 201 at the Anti-Cruelty Society), which will make it 6 classes a week, and I also want to learn tennis this summer, which might break the bank at 7 classes. I'm also still hoping to finish my darn Bachelor's degree — in order to be able to go to grad school someday — which is going to be more classes, ad nauseum.
Part of me is all for this. It's essential to contine to learn. And god knows I need all kinds of improvements — clearly the world thinks this, too, because I don't exactly have men clamoring for my attention, or a family, or a home, or a fancy (or really even decent) job, or lots of people wanting to hang out with me.
The other part of me, though, sorta quietly whispers every once in a while, 'Can I stop now?' Someday, I just want to read fiction and comic books and watch movies and paint and draw and ride my bike around and make food and listen to music and kiss a guy I like. And not learn a thing, unless by accident...
Can't you do that? I'm such a homebody, I could never take all those classes. Why don't you drop some of them?
Well, I'll just think about DG all day and night if my mind isn't on self-improvement. Plus I'm still trying to figure out what I really want to do with my life, and I figure that's the only way to find out.
I think you are officially the only one reading my blog. Weird, yes?
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