The view outside of my apartment - Eight of my windows face what was once a quaint old-time gas station, and now they're digging it up after two years standing untouched. You would not believe the gasoline stench that is permeating the neighborhood. It's incredible. Noisy as hell, too.
Ugh. I woke up today with a chest like a ton of bricks, not much voice, and that glazed -eye, head-aching, fatigue that can only mean bronchitis. Or something.
I tried to sleep through the racket they are making outside, and thankfully Lois let me sleep in a bit. The first thing I thought was "Damn, I guess I shouldn't swim." and then, "Work. Shit." So I called in. I also am looking for subs for my three art classes tomorrow, which is tough without a voice. It sucks too because I love the classes and could use the money.
Yesterday was Lois Day, the 2nd anniversary of her adoption. We didn't do much to celebrate (last year there was a party) except a couple of nice long walks and playing with the ball at the good park, and some extra treats throughout the day. Many times I'm reminded that she's the best thing in my life — I'm so glad she's here with me!
I went to the Peter, Bjorn and John concert last night which was AMAZING - they put on quite a show and I am officially a superfan. NG was there with his new girl, and it was nice to see him - not weird at all. His ex, DG's friend and "clicker," was also there, and I'm pretty sure I saw her a couple of times but can't be sure; I've only seen her "enhanced" pic on the web. I helped sell merch after the show and that was fun, too. I like being useful.
But the funniest part was before the show: Sheila made us two cucumber and cheese on pumpernickel sandwiches in the cab on the way over there from work, and we ate the sandwiches standing on the sidewalk outside the Empty Bottle, like a bad Ravinia midnight picnic. Bruce, the owner, was outside and he took a picture of us, so I emailed him to send it to me, but I haven't heard back yet.
Even though I am in hell of sickness today, it was a really fun night out and there were a LOT of cute guys there, proving that they exist. Only they were mostly with girls and/or had wedding rings on, but so what? AT LEAST THEY FUCKING EXIST.
And I only thought about DG a few times.
And I got a cool t-shirt. So there.
1 comment:
It only takes one really cute guy without a wedding ring or a girlfriend.
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