I'm in the final stretch of triathlon training, and it's getting exiting, and nerve-wracking, and tiring, and all of that. My body is acting a bit strange - I've been exhausted, like fatigued, for the past week and a half or so, and hungry, and sore, and horny, and somewhat depressed all at once. It's like the world's worst PMS. It could be PMS, too, so that's a funny twist.

We had our practice "mini-tri" last Saturday morning - 1/3-mile swim, full (14-mile) bike, and then a 1.5-mile run, with transitions, the whole bit. I did it all in exactly 1.5 hours, which is Ok, not super-great, but way better than I thought. Especially because I dropped my chain once, and my bike bottom bracket was all f-ed up, and I even ran the whole time, didn't walk once! I was about in the middle of the group, time wise - 2 women finished before me, and 5 finished after. I felt HORRIBLE on the ride downtown - woke up late, felt tired and woozy, almost didn't go, etc., so if I can feel a little better for the actual event, that would make it even better!

I haven't done a situp or pushup in a couple of weeks, I have to also admit to you lovely readers. There are "strength" workouts on our daily schedules once in a while - usually 2 or 3 times a week - and I have been totally ignoring them. This week all I've done training-wise is an open-water timed half-mile on Tuesday (22:00 - eh). I was rained out of a bike/run workout Wednesday, and yesterday I had the party to attend, so today is supposed to be a rest day, but I plan to go running with Lois after work to make up for yesterday.
Tomorrow morning is our last bike/run brick workout at the forest preserve. I have to be up and out by about 6 to get there on time, but I still bought a ticket to see Tony Clifton (yes, that Tony Clifton) tonight at the Chopin theatre with friends. Should be crazy. Apparently the show is like never-ending (starts at 10:30, goes to 3am?) because he wants to torture people into walking out.
I've taken the whole next week off of work, too, which will give me some much-needed rest time, prep time, time to clean my apartment, and time to move me and Lois to my parents' condo for a few nights before the triathlon, so I can practice sleeping there, in the twin bed, with Lois, and getting to bed early enough to get up at 3 on the day of the event (to take Lois out, eat breakfast, and bike to the triathlon by the 4:15am course open time). I'm also doing a 5K run on Thursday night with my brother, which will be fun. I'm mainly looking forward to the break from work - the ickiness has been getting to me.
More updates coming soon!
I'm so proud of you. It sounds like you're doing great. Those work-outs are for you, so you should be able to do which ones you want. Don't feel guilty if you don't do all of them. Just take care of yourself.
But when do you have time to like Breathe? And Eat? And Giggle? You are going to do AWESOME!!
Thanks ladies. I appreciate the support - even in my laziness!
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