Monday, August 11, 2008

I know

...I am lame at posting with regularity. I loaned my camera to my parents while they had my 5-year-old nephew in town this weekend, so I just got it back and took some myself - it was an exhausting weekend, but super fun. This next week is CRAZY with parties and social events, and I am getting scared of being sick or otherwise debilitated for the triathlon, which is less than 13 days away.



Churlita said...

You are going to kick so much ass on that triathalon. I can't wait to hear all about it. I also want to hear about all your social dealies. Since I'm sure I'll be very socially limited for a while.

Poptart said...

I am going to DO the triathlon. Maybe not kick ass. I hope I have energy for anything this week. I am so tired all the time!

Vonnie said...

only happy thoughts about the triathalon...happy happy happy!