This is my friend and colleague C's backyard pool in the suburb of Glenview, where she and her husband allow all of their riff-raff friends to congregate, lay about, swim and grill food every Sunday in summertime. Yesterday was the second time (and last) I've made it out there this year, and it was perfect. My friend R and I rode our bikes all the way out - a 2-1/2 hour roundtrip ride on the forest preserve trail, complete with deer sightings and bug bites. Ah, summer.
It's so hard to blog from work, and as you kids must know by now, I don't have a computer. I am actually busy much of the time at work, plus, I realize I've been spending my wasted work time in the past coupla months emailing my friend M, and since he hasn't emailed today, I am taking the free time to post here, quickly.
I'm doing OK. I'm trying to come to terms with some stuff. I want to meet someone and that's not happening, and am having a bit of money worries - not pressing but definitely lurking, and I just need to make some decisions.
Fall is a portentious time of year for me. It's even more of a "New Year" time than January is, and that means mixed feelings.
The good news is that I'm swimming every day (well, a min. of 5 days a week). I'm doing other stuff - the gym, running every once in a while, biking everywhere, etc. in addition to the swimming. It's good. It's keeping me from getting really depressed, which is great. I haven't lost weight, though, which is frustrating, but I do look pretty good, if I do say so myself. I've also been making a lot of my own food (rather than buying pre-made stuff), trying recipes, taking vitamins, etc.
The bad news is the pool is closing after this week for 3 weeks, so I am not really sure what I am gonna do about that yet. Don't worry, I'll keep you posted on this very important life change. It'll make my schedule even harder to manage, I'm sure - my current pool is a block from work and I go for my lunch break. Traveling anywhere just to swim or work out in the city is a total pain.
Another thing that hasn't been happening (besides the making out, which is driving me BANANAS!!) is that I haven't done the massive housecleaning I have been promising myself for - oh, 37 years or so... I am too busy walking Lois or something, or watching Arrested Development, which is possibly the funniest show ever. Not sure why I can't push the cleaning into high gear, seeing as it'd do nothing but help my life, but I have been slowly giving away clothing that no longer works for me, which is fun. Next, I gotta sell a few things on Craigslist, like my old derby skates. I have long acknowledged that I was not cut out to be a roller derby girl, so why hold on to the speed skates?
If picture posting wasn't such a time-suck, I'd put up some more pictures with this post. Blogger, I wish you'd make it easier to upload and place pics!
Yea! I've missed you. I feel the same way about Fall.
I have missed you too - giving me shit and whatnot. I think my fall affliction comes from living in IC for so long, by the way...
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