Things I've been neglecting lately:
• My job and the people and data I manage
• My physical fitness* and arm transformation project *(beyond just the swimming)
• My messy apartment, desk at work, and teacher shelf in the art room
• My poor sweetybone pooch
• My $525 ticket from the City
• My $3000 bill from the IRS
• My scary-sounding car that needs an estimate, at the very least
• The friends I don't see at work or elsewhere
• This blog

What I have been doing instead is:
• Working my ass off while at work on a CRAZY project/event we are doing that I volunteered to produce
• Thinking too much about a person I really shouldn't
• Adjusting to a new roommate, W (will give more details later)
• Trying unsuccessfully to deal with not having a computer at home
• Realizing I really can't go over 3 drinks per night, or else I will find myself with bad random bruises and a beat-up bike, and no memory of certain conversations
• Bartending at Lollapalooza's media area in a Southern Comfort - "SoCo with Lime!" - promo with SPIN magazine

You are so much cooler than me. Although, now it sounds like you have the same tolerance for alcohol(or lack thereof) that I have.
I am soooo not cool! yeah, my alcohol thing is really bad. I was a wreck. the bruises are still changing colors. Real pretty!
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