Ok, so we did it. I helped put on/put together this crazy event last night in the park and we broke our Guinness World Record and had a fabulous, excellent time. Everything worked, worked out, and people thanked me and smiled a lot and there was much hugging, even from my executive director.
But now I don't have anything on the horizon for a while - I mean, of course I have the usual stuff, like teaching my classes, taking my classes, and work, and the upcoming things on my calendar (yea! a gynecologist appointment, molar filling, volunteering for another festival in Sept., etc.) - but nothing really special.
And, mainly, no one really special. No prospects, even. That fact is deeply depressing. I had one of those cathartic late-night, hour-long, dog-walk cries about it on Monday night, and I do feel much better since then, but the fact remains: I am not meeting people here and I've now been here for 10 years, and maybe I'll have to move somewhere else to make that happen for myself. It's weird to have something so dependent on luck be a major factor in my happiness, but that's the way it goes.
So, I'm gonna start really getting rid of stuff in an effort to be move-ready if I can find a place and a job to go to.
The sad thing is, I love it here in Chicago. It's just that Chicago, clearly, doesn't love me. And I guess I should go where I have a better chance at finding someone.
Where is that mythical land? Maybe I'll move with you.
I'll let you know when I get there, and if I find it...there was an Oprah that said N. Carolina was good for meeting guys...?
Y'all are both welcome in NC any old time you want! Not sure if the meeting boys thing is any different here, but you've got a landing pad anytime you want to check it out.
Not nearly as many old man bars though--be warned...
Where the hell are you?I know you're not going to make me start emailing you...
Ok, ok, I posted! Thx for the nudge.
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