Now Lois somehow cut her left paw pad, so she's lame, too! (I bet we look funny walking down the street together.) When she leaves the bandage on (erg) and doesn't lick at it, she's OK walking on it. But she bites at me when I clean it with peroxide, though she seems not to mind neosporin.
In other news, I was up at 4:18AM today to ride to the lakefront for a 5:00 bike training session. I rode intervals for about an hour, and it was gorgeous to be there with no one around and the sun rising! If I hadn't been so worried about making it on time, I would have taken and used my camera. Plus, since only 2 other women showed, with both coaches, I got my own private coaching session! It was excellent.
Now, at 5:19pm, I'm absolutely exhausted. G'night!
Nice gams! But that wound does look bad. I'm sorry both you and the pup are gimpy right now. I hope you both heal quickly.
My wedding date boy who lives 5 hours away, so I won't be in a relationship with, but I told him I'd be happy to "hang-out" with him whenever he makes it into town - whew! - anyway, he's doing a triathalon on the weekend of July 19th. He's done them before, but he said he's having trouble with fitting the running part in.
I hope you kick butt in yours.
Thanks T! I didn't comment back to you so I dunno if you'll read this, but are you gonna go watch his triathlon? COuld be kind of fun. The running part is hard to fit in - swimming and biking take up more time in the event so I think most people train more for those too.
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