This is what happens when you fall off your bike just trying to get off of it when you are late to a running practice at the track, and there happen to be 4 cops within 10 feet of you and they ALL try to help you, but you are so hurt and bleeding and embarrassed that you are kind of mean to them and act like a weirdo.
Actually, you're seeing what it looks like 3 days later. That happened Tuesday.
So, yesterday I had to skip my swim workout (due to pool rules: no disgusting open wounds), and the bike workout, too (because the saddle broke off its frame - how does a bike seat break from a no-impact fall?!) and now it's Thursday (4-class teaching day) and I am completely tired, but I'll have to fit in swimming, biking (bought a new saddle), and - I am hoping - some laundry at the laundromat before it closes.
I'm teaching my last art classes of the session and it's sad - some of the kids - some of my favorite kids - are taking the next session off. It's weird how attached I get to seeing the little buggers every week. I even get excited about the stuff they draw in warmup time. Next time I see some of the two-year-olds, they will be a foot taller and talking in complete sentences.
I'm not teaching the Monday painting class this next session, or the Sunday classes (I took Sundays off for 8 weeks so that I can have a weekend in the warm season.) That means two months with a diminished income but more time for exercise... and fun... Right??
Yea for time off for fun! Coady and I were looking at your injuries and we winced at the same time. I hope they heal quickly, honey.
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