The weekend was awesome, but tiring. I decided to take today off with flex time and am tempted to take the rest of the week, too, but I can't really. A 3-day week is good enough. It's addictive, being away from the office!

Lois is taking it easy, too, as you can see... I finally have her leaving her paw alone most of the time and that's good - I hope it heals quickly.
Now I'm cleaning my apartment. It's gotten so bad that I probably won't make a dent, but I am really glad to be starting the process, finally. It really helps that it's a beautiful day out, which sorta makes no sense.
I also planted some basil and mint (I couldn't stand not having herbs) and cleaned up the porch today, too.
Oh and the habits: pushups - great, flossing - so-so, and situps - terrible, so I am going to start taking a Tuesday morning pilates class, tomorrow at 8:30. I need strength in my gut to do all this other stuff. I trained 40 minutes yesterday in the boonies of Wisconsin (stayed in a hotel and there were no sidewalks anywhere, just running alongside the state highways) doing this crazy heart zone run where I'd get my heart rate to a certain number and hold it there for 5 minutes, then drop it to another level and hold it, then back up again - 3 times. It sure makes the time go by when you're busy reading your heart rate monitor all the time.
But at one point when I crossed this highway onto a deserted country road, these two possessed redwinged blackbirds started making a racket of noise and kept swooping down, practically divebombing my head as I ran along. I was actually scared! I kept swatting my hands above my head at them and yelled, "Get away!" but the only thing that made them stop was me turning around and running in the other direction. Creepy! Luckily no one was up at 7am on a Sunday to see this whole thing. It must have looked hilarious!
Ravens are bad that way too. You gotta watch those crazy birds. You are the work-out queen.
Do you want to come and clean my house too? Right now you need a tetanus shot to enter my door.
I would WAY rather clean your house than mine. Let's switch!
Pretend like it's my apartment and you have to get me moved out and off to California by tomorrow at 8am! Heh. Seriously, that time you were a maniac with the cleaning. I don't know if I ever told you but the maintenance guy was just beaming when he saw the place the next morning. I guess he was afraid he'd have to do some work himself but it was pretty well spotless in there.
that's what I'm sayin, though - way easier and funner to clean other peoples' places... plus, you and lindsay had done all the heavy lifting.
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