Well, Peter has started a blog and Churlita's is going so strong, and Jim and Joyce are rocking the Sofia blog, so I am all in the mood again. Plus it's spring, they say, and I'm getting that restless feeling so I'll blog for a while. If anyone actually reads this, I will be surprised and delighted.
Today is Easter - not just regular-people Easter, but also Greek Easter, which rarely falls on the same day because the Orthodox calendar is different, which means some people in my family are recovering from being in church til 3am last night.
To check in on the holy ones, I went to my brother and sister-in-law's house this morning for a fabulous breakfast and visit. Stefan made a yummy feta-onion-mushroom-tomato omelet, biscuits, and sausage patties, and I brought over a fruit salad. Dina's coffee was excellent, and I think I had like 4 mimosas. It was lovely. I also ate all of the 10 or so jelly beans my grandmother (Yia Yia) put on a plate of Easter cookies for them. Oh well.
Then they were heading to a friend's Greek Easter party, where there would be Greek dancing and LAMB ON A SPIT. Seriously. Somewhere in Chicagoland!
Sometimes I think the Greeky Greek life would be fun, but most of the time, I just like to hear about it like a travelogue. Plus I cherish my WASPy/Sharecropper/Scotch-Irish-British and Swedish roots too much to eschew them for the quarter of Mediterrannean I've got...
Instead of that, I came home, sorted and cleaned a little, napped, hung up a new framed poster, made popcorn, walked my dog for an hour and a half, washed my dog (see below), and now am messing around on the internets.

After I clean that mess, I'll pop in the last disc of MI-5, do one more dog walk when she feels dried off enough, and, since I'm really in the mood for a Coca-Cola, I might just go get one of those somewhere, and then probably go to bed early. Is anything even open on Easter night?
1 comment:
WoooHooo, to you blogging again. I will link you as soon as I can.
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