Ugh, the hell week at work has begun. It's the kind of week where I am afraid to check my voicemail - the little red light just taunts me. I wish I could just go shopping (something I don't even like to do, actually). For anything.
I do need to buy a couple of things:
1) a watch - I lost mine at the pool a few weeks ago
2) better flip-flops - the current ones have dog bite marks and hurt me
3) make-up; like foundation. The last time I bought this was like 10 years ago. Is that gross?
4) black sandals for summer. The ones I have are falling apart. I need something decent to wear on dates, right?
Date #2 was Ok. I like him. It's a slow thing though, still. I wonder if I am permanently damaged and un-fun from the whole dating guy debacle...
Hmm. I don't think I've ever dated someone I wasn't all that attracted to. But I also haven't ever gone on a blind date or internet thingy either. Maybe that's the difference. Do you think it could evolve?
Well, Churlita, I'm not sure. I am attracted to him, but there hasn't been much, um, opportunity for action. We met at a beer garden at 3:30 on a Sunday, you know? And I had plans after.
I need another date to really see. Who knows?
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