Lovely, huh? This is why I invite people over. Maybe we'll do a before and after pic.
(BUT, I also rented this:

which I fully expected to bee cheesy and bad, but it was so very much worse. The best part of the movie, truly, is the people at the end in the credits doing Rocky runs up those steps in Philly and boxing the air. Seriously. Just skip to that part if you mistakenly rent this film.)
Do you want to come over and clean up my house next? I never invite anyone over, just so I don't have to worry about it.
You know I would clean the hell outta your house! I LOVE to clean other people's places! But who's gonna clean mine? I actually was thinking I wish you guys lived close because I could ask the girls to do things like alphabetize my CDs for money...(wouldn't that be the best teenage project?) because there are just some organizing and cleaning things I canNOT bring myself to do, I am paralyzed by my own crap.
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