This is Angelo. Angelo is the maintenance director where I work. Please note the red embroidery on his shirt: "Angelo." And what, you ask, is Angelo holding? Why, that's fried calamari legs! The time of this photo is 1pm, today.
Angelo is Greek. His real birthday is July 23, in some unknown year. Angelo is one of those master-of-all trades and he came here from Greece after living a very interesting life. He likes aerobics classes and has an old husky dog and a grown son, and he lives ridiculously far from work. His work hours are something like 4am-12pm. Somehow, three or four years ago, we at work started celebrating "Angelo's birthday" a few times a year at the Greek restaurant down the street, Barba Yianni. He apparently does some work for the place, and they, in turn, allow our rowdy crew of crazy arts people to dine on a major Greek feast, complete with Ouzo and Greek wine, on these very special days. We leave work and meet at noon and spend a couple of hours there. It's a GREAT tradition. Sometimes I don't partake in the drinking, but this time I was very, very into that aspect of the celebration. Take note, singles out there: Drowning one's sorrows in ouzo and Greek food is highly recommended!!
Above is my view of the other end of the table.
Above is a view of my end of the table. Please note my pastiness and unphotogenic-ness, but then, give me a break—I was focusing on my alcohol comsumption, not my appearance.
And last, above, is a lovely picture of the octopus and the "lamb balls," presented by coworkers Janet and Julie.
We were served octopus, grilled and fried calalmari, spinach and cheese pies, cheese pies, saganaki (opah!), Greek sausage, antipasto plates with feta, dips and vegetables, rice and peas and potatoes with tomato sauce, gyros, fresh bread, baklava, Greek coffee, and galaktobouriko, and probably more that I can't remember. I drank two glasses of ouzo and ate some food for the first time in a few days. It was delicious.
I had to have another glass of ouzo when I got back to work, so as to stop obsessing as much as possible and stay focused for the last couple of hours of the day. It didn't really work, but what a great day, anyway!
I also stepped on the scale today, and have lost 10 pounds since a couple weeks ago. Hmm. I would LIKE to eat, just don't have the appetite. But that puts me within 20 pounds of my hottie weight, and THAT would be fun to start the summer with...
Tonight: reconnection with good friend after I swim my blues away, then the Salif Keita concert, or as much of it as I can stand to stay for. I went swimming last night, by the way! It was great.
your drunky friend
1 comment:
yea! for you having fun. I'm all for the food and drink solution to heartbreak. It is always waiting in the wings if ever I should need it. I take great comfort in knowing it's there.
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