The Riverside Health and Fitness Center pool. Yes, my darling, I will fantasize about you later.
Yesterday I went to Kankakee, IL with my brother (see below) and father (in town from Tulsa) to visit my grandparents, uncle and aunt. My grandfather has recently had some knee surgery and he is recovering, and this was my first time seeing him since the surgery. He looked good.
I brought him the giant Hershey's bar that dating guy and I got for him a couple weeks ago when I heard that he was cranky about the hospital moving him in and out of four different rooms within a few days of his operation. Apparently, he'd had a Hershey's bar in one of the rooms and they moved him and never found the candy, and he was *pissed.*
I was somewhat cranky myself all morning, and tired. Even though I'm having an awesome weekend (Stefan's dinner, BBQ and a drink with Bana last night, and date #2 and plans with Miki later today), I'm behind on my personal time, sleep, and all of my work stuff. I made too many plans and yesterday it was getting to me. I just wanted to clean, pick through my purse, sit on my couch and pet my dog. But I found a fitness center in Kankakee that allows day passes, and I borrowed my grandfather's car while they all went to look at the family cemetary plots, and I swam. It was heaven! A cure for all ills!
The pool was non-chlorinated, and super clean and quiet (no bad radio blaring like at the Park District pool) and I was the only person swimming laps. Plus, the locker room was super fancy - the kind where they provide shampoo, shaving cream, shower gel, mouthwash, fluffy towels, hair curlers and dryers, even q-tips. There was a steam room, whirlpool, warm water therapy pool, and sauna. I didn't get to sample all of this luxury, but just the pool itself was heaven enough. I needed it. It was the best $15 I have ever spent.
I wish we had something like that in Iowa City.
I seem to remember the rec center pool wasnt so bad in IC, no? - I taught there for almost a year. But yeah, this place was much better than the fieldhouse pool. THAT was seriously crowded when I used to swim there. Lots of showoffs.
Also, though, the dues on this bliss place is $60 a month. I'll take the $15 season pass at my park over that anyday.
Ah, you know the best pool memories I have from? City Park!
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