In the things I love category, here's my new niece. Alexandra was just born at 4:15am on April 16 in Thailand to my stepbrother and sister-in-law. She's their 2nd baby, sister to William, who's been on these pages before. I love William. Hope he's doing OK with the trauma of losing his only child status.
Two other things: We had an earthquake last night and Lois and I totally woke up (but I didn't know why) and don't go see Smart People. It's the dumbest, most implausible movie ever. And the music sux.
#1 - Nothing. Gotta get back on the wagon.
#2 - 7, 0 yesterday! Whoops!
#3 - check
TRI Training Watch:
Swim - Yes.
Bike - To work and last night to M's.
Run - Nope.
Aw. Cute baby. Alexandra is an awesome name as far as I'm concerned.
I know, right?! Thought you'd like that one.
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