I decided that, since I usually just kvetch on this blog and my last post was extra whiny, I would do some posts about things I love. So today it's low sodium V-8 - I love this stuff!!
I always have it stocked in my little mini-fridge at work, and even if I miss lunch (like today) and only eat raw almonds and an orange, if I drink this little can of LSV8 I can make it till the end of the day and I am totally fine and happy. Even with less, it's still salty enough for me, and feels like I am being healthy when I drink it, and when it's super -cold, it's perfect (usually I like things room temp).
I especially love it when I find it at Aldi on super sale (which has only happened once, and I bought three 6-packs). Otherwise, it's a little pricey, but I still love it. Yum.
I posted on Craigslist plus messaged a stranger on Last.fm, so that counts for habit #1, right? Also I introduced myself to one of the Bill T. Jones dancers and another guy in line at the fancy gala benefit show I went to last night, so I am doing good.
#2: 6 pushups every day this week, plus swam 1/2 hour yesterday, and walked around in heels a lot last night. That's more annoying than pushups.
You are a rocker. I've only been able to run once this week, because I was sick and the weather has been heinous.
I guess Erik's coming to town tonight, so I may speak to him for the first time since he dumped me. Awesome.
good luck with that! why is he coming to YOUR town?!
You're my running "guru." Love, Ellen.
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