Here's a group shot of my friends at the Assyrian nightclub on Sat. night (check out the neon lines at the top of the wall). It was super fun! There was a wedding going on (A total middle eastern wedding, but the bride was Suzy and the groom was 'Bob from New Jersey'), and a live band all night, the owner of the place is the (excellent) singer, and there were two sets by a fabulous bellydancer.
H. (with the napkin, above) noted that at every table besides ours, there was at least one pinkie ring on a man, and at least one head of really long, really big, frosted hair on a woman. All the women had super high heels. I would add that there was also at least one mustache at every table (on a guy). And much clothing made of various degrees of shininess. There was a nice man of this type - in his late 40s maybe? - that came out and danced with me. I found out he was from a far away suburb and was the cousin of the band's doumbek player. But when he asked about wanting to do ballroom dancing sometime, I had to back away slowly.
Here was my favorite threesome - they came in around midnight: Mini-me and his two women friends. One, we were sure, was a transsexual (on left) and one or both we thought might be - well, professionals.
There was a 2-drink minimum, and every drink is $8 - beer, coke, liquor, water - anything you get. But there was no cover, and the entertainment was really top-notch. Plus, the best part is that you push a button and your waiter (George was ours, the best!) comes running out from the back bar area. I've heard it's a really "authentic" arab/middle eastern club. If that's true, then I love arab clubs!
HabitWatch -
#1: talked to a couple guys at the bar last night. Getting warmed up.
#2: 7 pushups Monday and today.
Swam: Sunday and Monday.
Run: tonight, with M (though I am super tired. We'll see.)
I love those kinds of ethnic clubs in Chicago. Even when i go to Irish places with my family - they are all so kitschy and funny and lots of big hair for women and the old irish guys have fifties hair. Awesome.
I need to find more of these places!
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