This is from someone's blog, I stole it (it's the Chicago triathlon, yr looking at the people waiting for the chilly swim in Lake Michigan). Looks fun, huh?
Tonight I went to another triathlon seminar at the the running store - the focus was all the equipment you'll need/want for the event, like what to wear and what to have on you, and what to train in and what will make things easier. I could dismiss a lot of the stuff (special triathlon running shoes? Come on), but other stuff, like the $120 triathlon suit you wear under the wetsuit so you don't have to bike and run in your bathing suit with a running bra and thick biking shorts over it or something, seems ingenius.
And the deadline is approaching for registering for the triathlon training groups, which are either $240 for the women-only one that's closer to my house or $280 for the 14-week co-ed one that seems better but is farther away. I know I should do one of these groups because I have little discipline or knowledge about the event on my own, but it's so much money. Money that I owe to the IRS, the City of Chicago, the gas company, and credit cards...Ugh. SO hard to decide what to do.
SO: this sport is expensive. Hmm.
Anyway, I went to a housewarming party at M's house last night and then a show at the Hideout so I did actually talk to a few of new people that were guys, which is habit #1. And I did my pushups (still at 7) - habit #2, and flossing - #3. Good for me.
Ran 3 miles yesterday (Sat.) with Lois and M and biked about 9 miles, but did nothing today besides teach and fix art projects ... and worry about triathlon money.
Don't stress-out for taking a day off. It's actually good for your muscles to take a day of rest.
Boy, triathalons are expensive. I know the thing my brother learned was to make sure you have something to fix a bike tire with. he had to drop out of his, because he got a flat and didn't think to bring anything.
that sucks he had to drop out!!
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