I talked to one new male at the run this morning, but since M met him first and introduced us, he says it only counts as half. Whatever. I ran 40 minutes and swam 40 minutes today. Flossed, did my pushups.
Oh, and I got into another car accident - I was moving my car (like, a few spaces, just so no one could claim it's abandoned) and this woman came barrelling down my street and right into the side of my car, the front and rear passenger-side doors. I might as well set the damn thing on fire, it's so ugly, beaten up, and such a pain in my ass. I swear, the car has a curse on it.

In other news, M being single at the same time as me is fun. We went to Ironman tonight, and it was pretty good! Stay til the very very end, esp. if you are a comics fan type.
I've heard Ironman is wonderful. And you know me well enough to know that I'll for sure stay til the end.
I can't write this on my blog because I don't know who all reads it, but I made it with a different boy each night of the weekend. We should definitely hang out together and see what we can conquer together.
Holy crap! That's awesome! I don't know if I can even *do* that...I'd prolly fall in love with one of them and then ruin all the fun...you're a rockstar.
The trick is to find boys you won't fall in love with. the Friday guy is super hot, but a total whore who usually messes around with cute twenty year olds. He's the one on my post from yesterday lifting up the red shirt. The other one is this too young for me, guy who lives 5 hours away. He wants to come and visit me, which I'm fine with, but you know I can't handle the long distance thing.
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