It's really warm out and I'm unusually energetic, so I will make the next few posts quickies while I get stuff done outside. I'm headed to my 2nd BBQ of the weekend later today (pics to come, don't worry - I know I'm far behind) and must spend quality time with the sun and my pooch.
Since I don't have any real-life crushes right now, I thought I'd tell you about my movie star crushes. I recently saw Black Book, so the actor who plays the Nazi you hate to love is at the tip-top of my list. I think I fell for him first in The Lives of Others.

Happy Memorial Day!
I thought he was hot in Black Book too. Nice movie star crush.
yeah, he's delicious. he's also dating the starlet of that movie, which is super cute because she's just perfect.
Did she not have the most perfect breasts, too?
The most perfect ever captured on film! Totally!
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