On Friday I rented a car (instead of paying rent - seriously!) and drove up to my camp in Michigan, where I spent parts of every summer of my youth from age 7 on, for a "work weekend" in which a bunch of folks who love the place volunteer for schlepping, hauling, cleaning, painting - whatever is needed to set up the camp for the summer. The weekend also happens in the fall, to prep the camp for the closed season. It was wonderful, and good to do manual labor outdoors, as usual.
Here's the scene at meals in the dining hall. R, the camp caretaker (standing up) gives assignments - and makes jokes.
I worked with a great crew and we did a lot of hauling heavy stuff, but our most fun task was moving the waterski area's gas tank - about 50 feet. We had to use a tractor and big chains and do a lot of hoping that it wouldn't fall on anyone.

Lois had a great time, too. Here she is on the wrong bed in our cabin...
And here she is rolling in something totally stinky. I gave her a bath as soon as we got home.

Yea! for your car getting out of hock for free. How did you get to the camp? Do you have another car?
I reposted - with details and the pics turned the right way! I rented a car, it's gonna have to be the way I do things now...
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