My new habits have not had a very good week. I'm hoping that this weekend will mark a new start. I have been swimming/exercising as much as usual, but with some sadness because my pool will be closing for "maintenance" starting Monday for 3 weeks. Yes, that's right, exactly when I need to really buckle down and start hard-core training for the triathlon...
I have done some good stuff this week, though (see the demolished food platter, above). I also went to a bike workshop at this wonderful do-it-yourself community bike shop and it was kick ass. I even have a total crush on the instructor, but I didn't really know how to find out more info about him, like if he's actually available. (I did go out of my comfort zone and ask him questions about his life; you would have been proud of me.) I also have no plan on how to see him again, as he lives far away in another part of the city.
The main thing I realized at the workshop, though, is that I think I need to buy a new bike for the triathlon and the training for it. I am hoping to find some super bargain used road bike that fits me perfectly. I started scanning CL and ebay today.
I stayed home from work today to clean, sort and look for my car title. I haven't done any of that yet, but I have slept a lot, eaten chocolate, gone to an estate sale, and started tilling a garden bed in the back yard with a new hoe I got for $1.50 at said estate sale. I'm planting sunflowers. It's a gorgeous day.
God. You do so much in one day. I'd need about 17 naps to make up for it.
What? I do nothing! I feel like I get very little done when you consider I have all my time to myself, essentially.
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