I actually went out last night! I saw a "reunion" show by a band I used to love a lot called Red Red Meat - two of the members are now in Califone, a band I also love. It was a FABULOUS show, a prep for their performance this weekend at the Sub Pop 20-year anniversary fest in Seattle. That would be great to go to...
Many friends were there, and it was great to see them all. It was my friend BA's birthday and she was in good form, and I met and talked to a new cute guy, but I forgot to say goodbye to him - oh well. I was good; I drank water all night! The weird part is that circa 1993, when I first heard the music they were playing, I didn't know any of the people that would have been in that room, or the band — but now I knew like 1/3 of the audience and 3/4ths of the band, which is...weird. It really took me on a head trip, because it's music from the heart of my anonymous and hopeful Iowa City-livin' indie-music-lovin' young self, not the jaded, old girl, still-single Chicago music scene diehard I've become.
Plus, WX was there (because he turns up at random things that you can't predict given his musical taste) and he was with a new gf, and that was, um, interesting information. As a friend remarked to me, somewhat surprised, when they saw the woman: "Wow - WX is a chubby chaser!"
And I guess it could be true. I don't know how I feel about that - being a part of that/any pattern. I'd never consider myself in that group, but this proves, after seeing the last few women he's been with, and ex pictures, I guess I'm one too. Yuck!!
My theory: probably that he feels most comfortable with women with low self-esteem (and thus weight issues) who won't go too far into finding/feeling they deserve someone of emotional substance — for awhile. And who don't notice how socially/self unaware he is. (Me included, before I broke up with him.) But damn. Quite a creepy revelation.
At least I can say that I'm better looking than his recent ladies. One guy friend said this poor new girl looks like a man (and it's somewhat true, actually)! See, my friends never liked WX so much, which is unfortunate, because I really liked him for a while there... but who am I to argue now?
ANyway, back to me: All that going out, being social, and then coming home at 1 and walking Lois and lying in bed thinking of everything I have to do for the festival this wknd kept me up til 4. 4!! And, I was up at 8 today. Yikes. When will I catch up on all of this? Plus, I'm behind by one big bike/run workout from Wednesday and I'm not sure when I can make it up since I am supposed to do another one today, the group workout Saturday and another long bike Sunday. I MISS JUST SWIMMING!!
Sounds like a great show. I always get them mixed up with Jill's band, Red Meat. So confusing.
I think I'm part of the "guys who date older women" pattern. I know of one of my exes who was 9 years younger than me and another woman he dated was almost ten years older than I am. Weird.
They're soooooo different from Red Meat. But I like those guys too. You might be part of that pattern but at least it's not a creepy thing. I think older women daters are just smarter guys who don't have to prove anything about their masculinity (by having an 18-year-old on their arm)....
..Or else they want a mom. It can get creepy. Plus, then there's all that stigma about me being a Cougar, which I'm so not. I would love to date a decent guy my age, but apparently, they don't exist.
No, they don't.
I love that the comment section is our own private chat room. Edith? Peter? Come on!
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