...was great! I got up late (left my phone in the living room...oops!) after dreaming I had missed it and it was 12:15. When I realized it was only 6:30, I took Lois out, got dressed, ate a protein bar, and pedaled fast to get there with only a few minutes to get my timing chip and get in line. It was a HUGE race - who knew? The weather was mild and about 75 when we started, but got really cloudy by the end. Just as I reached for the carnation they give you after the finish, I felt tiny drops of rain, just sprinkling my skin...it was perfect. I walked around getting all the schwaggy giveaways and rode home, took Lois to the park, and now am resting before a trip to the laundromat. Later this evening there's a triathlon meeting/workshop at the running store in Old Town, so that will be a nice bike ride and rev up to get back on the training track.
There were lots of boyfriends/husbands and families cheering runners on, which gave me some pangs of longing, but mainly it was great to do an event like that with a bunch of other women, and for me, and I felt fabulous. I ran well - not fast but steady, with good form, and stopped three times to walk and drop my heart rate to where I wanted it. I could've run harder/faster and not stopped, but I promised my coach I would follow his heart zone training suggestions for it and I did it. Afterward, I feel great and not wiped out, so his way was the right way!
I especially enjoyed (but not in a pervy way!) seeing all the other runners' bodies and running styles. Every woman is so different and beautiful. It was great peoplewatching - and I felt empowered and strong.
Now I have to just get faster, and get my heart in better shape for the triathlon. I want to get to a place where the whole triathlon feels like today did - pushing myself but not dying. I have just over one month to get there. Wish me luck!
Good luck. And good for you for running that race. It sounds like you ran it exactly how you wanted.
Yeah, it was fun! I might do another one in a couple weeks to try to get my time down...I was very slow. You would probably do it in half the time I did.
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