Sunday, October 19, 2008

I love America. Really.

I've been helping to co-organize some groups going up to canvass for Obama in Racine, WI. I got to go yesterday, and it was wonderful, for many reasons, but then, this happened.

The woman was from our group. Her husband called me as the police were there holding the suspect. The man was not arrested. She went back to Chicago.

I think something is happening that is more than just campaigning for one side or the other. There are people stirring up hate, fear, and violence in serious ways now. I don't know what to do about it, but I am very, very troubled.

At the same time as this troubling turn in current affairs, and the sinking of the economy, I've been watching all German movies at home because of the German class I'm taking. I'm learning a lot. The current thing I'm Netflixing is the bizillion-part German miniseries "Heimat," which chronicles a German family from the first world war to the present. I'm on episode 3. The thing is, all of the circumstances under which Hitler rose to power in that country are present here - the fear, unemployment, latent (or now outright) racism and zenophobia, rampant misguided nationalism, and an economy that is in terrible shape.

Plus, there are videos like these all over YouTube, showing that the hate is becoming violent and real:

this is super frightening, from Ohio:

I want to move to Europe, now. I have been joking about it for a couple of years but I don't want to live with these people as my neighbors. And healthcare: Hello? Have you seen Sicko? Or the PBS specials? We are a sad joke of a developed country.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

That one.

K as a zombie for the Thriller thing and T, in from Ireland for the weekend to help out at the Block Party.

I can't help being way too into politics this season, and tonight watched the debate with rapt attention. Except that it sucked. The format sucked, and Brokaw, who I know is a good guy (stepfather went to school with him), sucked, and McCain really, really sucked. Obama was OK. I still can't get over the "that one" comment, though, and the fact that McCain wouldn't even shake Obama's hand. That's just LOW.

I'm organizing two day trips up to Wisconsin with a friend, A, (above, with his darling daughter in Feb.) and the Hideout, my favorite bar in Chicago (yes, the one that has the Block Party). We're trying to get multiple carloads of people to go up and canvass in Racine, which is a short drive from here. I sent out a huge email bladt and messaged all my Chicago Facebook people, and only 3 people have responded so far. I mean, more have responded (like one nonvoter and one name-caller/psycho), but only 3 people so far can go. That is lame! What is up? 3 weeks to go! I hope more folks step up.

*I* can't even go on this Sat., I have to sub art classes on both my days off (that's the art faculty meeting this past weekend, above), but I am getting up at the crack of dawn before I teach to buy coffee and donuts and cheer the troops. And give out buttons, and give a demo. (And take pictures, of course.)

That's J, on our tour of Fleet - we found this awesome little electric car charging. J is one of the canvassing volunteers for Saturday, actually! He'll prolly convert a bunch of undecideds, don't you think?

In other news I'm trying to not get sick. Stayed home from work today and slept in, did some gift shopping, some schlepping (had to get my winter coats and extra blankets out of my storage space!) and of course it was raining, and I'm premenstrual, so I had to eat lots of comfort food as well as juice, water and tea. Now I am reading all the political blogs and waiting for Dave Letterman. Love to all y'all - better blogging ahead, and that's no empty campaign promise.