Thursday, March 16, 2017

It's December already!

And though it's busy busy busy, I am gonna try to keep up the blogging a little better. One thing that will help is that: I bought a computer.

Yes, although I am living on fumes, I managed to get the credit to purchase a Macbook of my very own. I'm thrilled for two reasons. 1) For years now, the only computer I have had has been a work computer, owned by my company, a benevolent but poor npo. In many ways, that was great - I didn't have to buy or worry about my own machine. But when it comes to storing pictures, and music, and resumes for jobs at other places, and doing personals or other things, it's SO nice to have my own machine. 2) Netflix, my crack dealer, just sent an email out saying that their "Watch it Now" movie download function is available now for macs. SO EXCITING! Now I can be a total recluse and watch movies with my laptop in bed and Lois curled up at my side. I love it. I have watched two movies that way before, last winter - with the old PC laptop WX gave me, but I haven't even tried to use it in months (it's suuuuuper slow), so now I am thrilled to be able to get movies on my own, fast mac.

I haven't had time to play with the lovely computer much yet - it's not even fully set up with a cool desktop picture, or itunes and the like. I am working on convincing the IT folks here at work to set me up with MS Office and Filemaker and

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