Friday, December 02, 2005

what to do next

I still never finished my goddamned undergrad degrees, you know that? So I am thinking, maybe because I am just being stupid, but what if I just moved back to Iowa City and got a semidecent-but-not-necessarily-perfect job, and a similar apartment, and just - finished?

It would only be for a short time, then I could come back to Chicago. Or move somewhere else. Or whatever. I don't know. How long would I have to work for the University if I wanted to take cheaper classes that way? I still have to figure out all the info on what I actually need to graduate. I have spent a little time on the University web site today instead of working from home as I was sposed to be doing.

The thing is, I just want to finish, suddenly. I want all the explaining, and self-loathing and excuses about it behind me. But the thing is I also am still paying like 20K in school loans, so I can't just not work and only go back to school. Plus other expenses - like I'd have to store all my stuff and pay car insurance and crap...and I'd have to have roommates, even in IC. Ugh.

I don't know, is that a crazy idea? I just want out. I feel stuck without the degrees. Maybe by April or May I can just move away. Maybe I could do it in just one summer...


scruffylooking said...

Of Course, I want to lie to you and say whatever I have to say to get you to come here. But since sometimes I'm surprisingly more than just a selfish bitch, I will try to be honest with you. First of all, it's really hard to get even a crappy job at the university. It may be getting easier but they just had these huge budget cuts and a hiring freeze and all that. That's why so many people work temp jobs at ACT and NCS. Secondly, you can work at the UI forver and never get reduced tuition. If you live here for a year and only take classes half-time and do a bunch of other shit, you can apply for residency here, but it would take that long to get it. Believe me, I would be thrilled to have you here, but I also don't want to see you in a bad position.
I am so glad you're blogging again. I linked you as a peer pressure thing to get you to blog. I'm so conniving.

Poptart said...

I was thinking of using my parents' address iin Burly. maybe that'd work for in-state? (Ugh I am 35; this is pathetic.)

scruffylooking said...

Yeah, on the application there's a part where it asks you to put down everything you've done for the last 3 years to see where you were and if you lie, it's grounds for expulsion. Damn. I think they'd do anything to get that out of state tuition from people. I sound like such a downer all the time, don't I? I hate it.