Monday, March 30, 2009


I am posting movies I've seen recently, mainly so I have a place to remember them. Don't worry, I'm not back to blogging again.

EU Film Festival 2009:

Mein Fuhrer (Germany)
Loss (Lithuania)
A Woman in Berlin (Germany)
Fear Me Not (Denmark)
Jerichow (Germany)
Nightwatching (Holland/GB)

Let the Right One In (rented the one with bad subtitles, apparently)

The Inspector Lynley Mysteries, seasons 1-6


Churlita said...

Wait. Why aren't you back to blogging again?

Poptart said...

Oh Churl, because my life is too hectic and boring for a blog! Plus there is the creepy reader that I just don't want to deal with ever again.

Vonnie said...

Why no blog?

Churlita said...

F the creepy virgin/whore complex, archaic reader. You could set your blog to private and let only fun, non-judgmental people read it.

Vonnie said...

Or fun judgemental people.

Poptart said...

ha! ok, i will figure out how to do that...but there's also the time crunch. we'll see what happens.