Sunday, May 06, 2007

Ruff Day x 4

Lois bit a 5-year-old girl today. Even though she didn't break the skin, she did rip her dress and scare the crap out of her. I voluntarily called the police and the mother chose to file an "animal bite report." It took over an hour. Lois was super scared the whole time, but good. She'd been excited, we were waiting to cross the street into the park, (and I was on the phone, bad) and the girl and her mom walked up from behind us with the mother carrying two big bags and not watching the girl, and the girl's dress must have touched Lois or scared her. She's not into being snuck up on by anyone, especially small people. The police were great, and totally complimented Lois' manners and my responsible pet ownership (I had all the vaccines and tags — plus the fact that I called.)

I agreed to send them $50 for a new dress for the girl. That seems like a LOT for an ugly, old flannel dress, but whatever. It's just money. I'm more worried about how much the mother freaked, and how long the girl will have fear of dogs. I feel worst about that.

I thought it was over when the cops gave us the report number and we went our separate ways. But after Lois and I been home for couple hours, my doorbell rang, and it was an animal control officer, in uniform, who thankfully was also was very pro-Lois and cool about it. But he needed her official vaccination records, which, thank god, I found within about a minute in a pile on the couch. He said the woman shouldn't have filed a report because there was no skin broken, and that she should have known not to let a 5-year old walk up behind a dog. That made me feel a little better, but not great. I mean, Lois has a police record!!

Instead of going to the cajun dance lesson that would surely bum me out more, I took the little criminal and the ball and the Chuck-It to the awesome farther-away park, Winnemac, which isn't packed with kids, and we played and ran around, and went to the dog section, and this 11-month-old boxer kept annoying Lois (and the other dogs, actually - two other dogs tried to put him in line and left) and she BIT HIM in the cheek, and drew blood! Plus, in the struggle, the owner, Steve's, beer spilled all over him. This is all AFTER I had just told him about the earlier bite report. Uggggh.

I cried on the phone to my mom, today, too, and realized I'm not just dying to be in love, or to be happy just being me with someone (i.e., DG), but I really need a friend. Someone who'd come over and hang out on an afternoon like today and just be there for me (and Lois). Maybe not a lot of people have that, either, I don't know. I mean, it would be great to have that person also be a man I'm attracted to, but right now, I'd settle for a friend.

3 & 4
AND, I couldn't swim today, because I got my period right in the middle of teaching class number one of two. (Yes, wearing pale pink pants, too!) I had to go home after teaching and check (no damage), so I missed the awesome Sunday least-crowded-with-seniors lap hours, and I happened to check email to find that the guy formerly known as 'new guy' sent one saying he'd found someone and he wanted to pursue things with her. Which, though a bummer, was nice of him. He is a good guy, and actually I wasn't surprised. But it hearkened (is that a word?) back to DG, of course, and the "click" email, and it made me feel like I'm gonna always be that girl they have to break it off with to pursue things with "the one."

I also haven't heard from my supposed Wednesday date guy, M, either, and that is bummer-y on top of all this.

I *know* something great will happen for me, soon - it has to!


Churlita said...

Man. It sounds like we both had crappy weekends. Just think, it could be worse, you could have had to hang-out with Luis being all kiss-assy with your crazy aunt who ate it all up. Oh, and have to sit in a Catholic church for almost three hours for Coadster's confirmation. I wish I could have brought Lois to bite a certain imposing loud-mouthed actor.

Seriously, I hope Lois and you are doing so much better.

booda baby said...

At the risk of sounding new agey, which would really suck since I'm so anti-new age, I get headaches within fifty yards of anything like it, maybe your subtitle - the ongoing heartbreak - kind of sets you up? (Maybe?)

It's so much a matter of perspective, isn't it? I thought your day sounded wonderful - costly and full of crappy administrative stuff - but I'd have felt really good about having things in order enough to be able to respond to the shit that happens. It was so cool that you were taking care of business and people and dogs and, actually, that Nice Guy email, telling you what his plans were, wasn't nice at all.

So there. Lois is beautiful.

Poptart said...


Lois would totally bite him, she hates tall guys! Coadster got confirmed? No wonder she was all kissin' on the hands the nigh before. She's already got the catholic guilt.

We're OK today. Swimming and pilates help, plus, just sleeping...and day two of aunt flo is always more enjoyable.

Boody Baby:

Hi - welcome! Yes, I change the subtitle all the time - time for a change today. What do you think?

The new guy: the way he said it, and some nice things about me - made it much better than most online dating flakes who just disappear or don't communicate at all.
