Thursday, May 24, 2007

Two Dog Nights

I have two dogs right now, and unfortunately, I did not sleep much last night. Hedley (above R) is Lois' boyfriend dog, and his "Mom," Lisa, who lives in Madison now, had a wedding to attend in Austin, so even though dog and mom are rarely apart, Hedley's staying with us for 6 days.

I LOVE Hedley. He's a great, mellow, and very handsome, fluffy dog (as you can see). I took him and Lois for a 2-hour walk-and-park-play last night. But, all the excitement of a new place (and no Lisa) must have still made Hedley restless, and Hedley being in Lois's midst at all, let alone restless, made Lois all anxious, so basically I was up at least once every hour during the night. I took them out twice in that time, fearing one or both of them had to go (but they didn't). They would jump on and off the bed, make semi-growly noises in response to each other or to things outside, and click, click, click, click across the floor, then plunk down in various places for catnaps, sometimes with sighs and groans. No matter how much I petted them, sang, and talked softly—trying to make them hang out and go to sleep—it didn't work. The upshot is that I couldn't get out of bed for my 8am meeting, and I've been acting spacey and dropping things all day.

In other news, I don't have to go in to work tomorrow! Woot-woot! 4-day weekend! (But I do teach on Sunday...that's fine.)

And: I'm back in the swimming groove! More on that later.
And: above is my heinous, but new, kitchen floor. There have been workmen in and out of my apartment all week. They still haven't replaced the screen or handle on my back door but I am hoping for that soon. Slumlords...what are you gonna do?


Churlita said...

Wow. What a floor.

I hope you get to sleep again soon.

Poptart said...

yeah, isn't that precious? I feel nauseus when I go in there.