Thursday, July 12, 2007


This was supposed to have a picture of the lovely festival t-shirt, babydoll style, design by Jon Langford, but the photo did not upload, and now it is lost forever.

First, check out this little review of the game show thing I hosted back a coupla wknds ago. (Yes, that's me in the ahem, it was RED, cowboy hat):

In college (which actually lasted way into adulthood for me), I made a student film/video called "Hair" - interviewing a some different people I knew about their hair - what they thought of it, why they did what they did with it, etc. I interweaved these bits with footage of my friend Jay getting a haircut at a salon from start to finish, and it was actaully really good. Technically, maybe the sound levels weren't perfect, but I liked the end result (and, now that I think about it, should probably find the videotape tout de suite and transfer it to digital, or it'll be dust, if it isn't already), and nearly every time since that project, whenever I decide to get a haircut - which is an absolutely rare occurence in my life - I think 2 or 3 a year is tops - I try to think about WHY I'm getting the haircut then - what am I trying to change, look good for, whatever. I've had long hair for many years now, (have been poor forever,) and have worked at a folk school for 8 years, so you can imagine - that kind of high-maintenance girly grooming stuff of frequent trips to the salon isn't very high on my agenda.

But it's interesting. I have this big festival coming up this weekend, where I act as an emcee in front of a lot of people, etc., and I always want to look cute, but the haircut this time is more for just the fun of the leaving work early today, sitting in the salon, and having someone else wash my hair - feeling girly. I try to go into the fest in the best possible of spirits and I think I made this appoint because I know it'll help that.

I have to say, anyway, though, that I am pretty f-ing happy right now. Happiest I've been in a long time. It even feels good to notice it.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

Girly, girly, girly.

Good for you. I've never seen that video before. I want to, though.