Tuesday, April 24, 2007


It's MUCH better. A) I am looking forward to my 'meeting' tonight! B) I decided to just do the good thing I wanted to do re: dating guy and I am happy I did, regardless of any awkwardness, overflow of emotion, or whether it was "deserved" or not. Then I had a little soup and more goldfish crackers, and some potato chip dust. I might even eat dinner.

I'm not gonna get into it here, but let's just say I made peace with some stuff that will let me move on and feel like I have said the positive things I needed to say to the person *I* knew, and I already feel great. I might hide or delete some comments and edit some posts, too, because I really think this has been crazy, and way T.M.I., and I don't necessarily want the world to read about it.

World, aren't you glad to hear that? Yep, I thought so.


1 comment:

Churlita said...

I'm so glad you feel better about things. That's all that matters.