Monday, April 09, 2007


This is my brand-new cousin, Spencer Roane, when he was about 12 hours old. He was born on Saturday to my awesome cousin Mike and his wife Kari, two days after Kari's own birthday. I'm so excited to meet him in person soon!

OK, world: today is the first day of Sarah's fitness explosion. I am into it so far (it is 2:45pm, you know), even though my cramps are wreaking havoc on my gut and somehow also on my head and sinuses. Today I walked Lois, did a cardio pilates class (including jump-roping!), am heading home for dog walk #2, and will have ballet at 6, followed by a nice long evening walk to top it off. I LOVE my ballet class--have I told you that lately? (Oh, yeah, I haven't told you anything lately...)

Tomorrow I'm walking Lois early as hell, then coming to work, opening the building for the mf-ing early class, and then swimming laps from 8-9am with the ladies at the pool. I love the ladies. Let's hope there is no one I know there...

Hmm, I also can't find my good goggles so I might just have to go buy some today.

SO, the only other news is that I did the world's dorkiest thing yesterday, and now it is done and I can't take it back, even though today I am realizing the tomfoolery and potential freak-alert that doing it might give the guy I am dating. What I did was the kind of thing that happens when you a) spend most of the weekend cleaning your horrifying apartment, plus b) have your period, plus c) like the guy you are dating a little too much, but have no good way of showing it because of the heatlhy constraints of the dating convention...: See, I made a homemade "formal" invitation asking him to come to my place for dinner next weekend and mailed it to his apartment (which I hope was the right address). What the f?

Now, the thing is, I also DREW on the envelope, cut out random shpaes, and added things in dorky junior high colored pen inside. I used a glue stick to construct it. It is somewhat cute, but it could also be seen as creepy—we'll see, I guess! After I dropped it in the mailbox, I had a moment of panic and thought about waiting til this morning at 10am and asking the mail truck driver to let me fish it out, but oh well. I figure dating guy will have to find out sometime (if he doesn't know already) that I am supergeek girl #1.


Churlita said...

Yeah, I say if he can't deal with that side of you, then he's not your guy.

It's adorable.

Anonymous said...

ADORABLE!! I THINK I might want another one but not sure. Nice to meet you. Came by ummm a link but forgot!